This is the Revision A verion of the Hub8 RoboBrick. The status of this project is that it has been replaced by the PIC876Hub10 RoboBrick.

Hub8 Robobrick (Revision A)

Table of Contents

This document is also available as a PDF document.

1. Introduction

The Hub8 RoboBrick is the RoboBrick that controls the mobile robot. The Hub8 is based on the MicroChip® PIC16F874 microcontroller. Eventually, over time, other master RoboBricks based on other processors are likely to be developed.

A picture of a Hub8-A RoboBrick is shown below:

Picture of Hub8-A

2. Hardware

The hardware consists of a circuit schematics and a printed circuit board.

2.1 Circuit Schematic

The schematic for the Hub8 RoboBrick is shown below:

Hub8 Mux/Demux Schematic
Hub8 Connectors Schematic

The parts list kept in a separate file -- hub8.ptl.

2.2 Printed Circuit Board

The solder side layer.
The component side layer.
The artwork layer.
The RS-274X "Gerber" back (solder side) layer.
The RS-274X "Gerber" top (component side) layer.
The RS-274X "Gerber" artwork layer.
The "Excellon" NC drill file.
The "Excellon" NC drill rack file.

3. Issues

The following issues came up:

Copyright (c) 2000-2002 by Wayne C. Gramlich. All rights reserved.